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xNomad Market - The Afterparty
The xNomad Market Afterparty was a success! In honor of xNomads rebranding, a multi-brand pop-up store showcased some of our favourite brands and ended with an amazing party. Check out some of the moments caught on camera!

In honor of xNomad’s newly launched rebranding, we set up a multi-brand pop-up retail space at Next Gen Retail Hub, and invited brands, landlords, influencers, and colleagues to celebrate.
The xNomad Market showcased some of our top retail brands such as Nudient, Skinome, Weard Underwear, Styles, and Ride Cake to take advantage of pop-up opportunities, collaborate on marketing efforts, and have a festive evening filled with fun. A truly memorable night, and the best way to kick-start the new era of xNomad. Let’s revolutionize the retail industry together!