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How To Guarantee Footfall In Your Pop Up

Your Pop-Up is finalized, you’ve arranged all the back-end systems and your opening day is approaching. How do you make sure people actually visit?


How to guarantee footfall in your pop-up

Okay, so your store design is finalised, you’ve arranged all the back-end systems and your opening day is fast approaching. How do you make sure people actually visit your pop-up?

Footfall is a great way to track the success of your store, as well as of course increasing sales, but it can be difficult to generate if you’re not located right in the middle of a popular shopping district.


Make sure you’re making noise about your pop-up on social media before, during and after your pop-up event, to get people excited for this time and the next. Don’t neglect more traditional marketing like posters and leaflets in the local area too.

Speak to people

Let your friends know about the event, and ask them to tell their friends too. Go out and chat to people in the street near your shop while it’s open, and get them so excited about your brand that they just have to check it out for themselves.


In today’s world, it’s important never to underestimate the power of so-called influencers – and you don’t need to have Kim K on speedial to be successful. Research and reach out to people with large online audiences, who live in the area of have a connection to the things you’re selling. Offer discounts, gift items or just a really good party to get them interested.


If you get people into your pop-up space for an event, they’ll most likely browse your shelves while they’re there. Make a schedule of events, workshops and launches you’re hosting, and make it a star feature of your marketing campaign.