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The ASKET Revival Program - Giving Garments a Second Life

xNomad partnered up with ASKET to help them find the perfect space for their Revival Resale. Let's break down what happened during the event!


Globally, the number of garments that are produced on an annual basis has doubled since 2000. Trend cycles are moving faster than ever, driving the rise of ultra-fast fashion. 92 million tons of textile waste is created annually from the fashion industry. Imagine the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles being thrown into landfills or burned, every second. 

With the sad reality of the fashion industry being one of the most notorious carbon dioxide emitters, the Swedish fashion brandASKET decided that they have had enough. 

By partnering up with the Revival Factory, ASKET was able to collect close to 800 preloved garments from their customers. Garments that in turn were repurposed and brought back to life through the craftsmanship of the factory’s skilled technicians. 

©xNomad x Asket Pop Up 

xNomad partnered up with ASKET to help them find the perfect space for their Revival Resale. The Pop-Up spanned over the weekend of June 3rd to 5th and was held at Sankt Paulsgatan 11, where customers got to roam the selection of 600 carefully picked-out pieces at favorable prices.

This was beneficial for store visitors’ wallets and allowed customers to support the Revival Project’s vision of taking on an alternative mindset and promoting more responsible practices within the fashion industry. 

©xNomad x Asket Pop Up 

The Revival Resale was a total hit and ASKET was able to give the revived pieces a new home - prolonging their average life and saving them from a destiny in landfills. With the pop-up’s success and ASKET’s commitment to shifting the rigid and unsustainable practices in the fashion industry, the Revival Program proceeds. 

©xNomad x Asket Pop Up 

Do you have any pieces lying around at home? Read more about how you can contribute to ASKET’s sustainable fashion revolution here.

Are you a brand looking for short-term retail space? Or on the lookout to set up a one-of-a-kind and immersive pop-up activation to reach new customers? In that case, xNomad has got you covered. Check out our marketplace platform to roam available spaces and set up an activation for your brand.